Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Frutti di Lavoriamo

Earlier today Anna and I were joking that we wake up and spend all morning making lunch, and all afternoon making dinner. But it is true! At least, lunch and dinner in a few months. This is a meal Dario and I ate while pruning a few days ago, in the shade of their olivi. The pecorino cheese, olive oil, cured olives, beans and onions are all their own, and the bread is homemade.

Dario explained the process of curing olives to me. It is actually pretty simple. Olives are picked for oil in november, but they leave a few branches full of fruit. By february, the olives are much less bitter, and anything that has been eaten by pests has already dropped. They pick what remains, jar them and add lots of salt. Once salted the olives sweat out their moisture. Every few days they pour out the water, occasionally adding more salt or herbs. After about a month, the olives are very tasty. "Make dirty" with some olive oil and MAMMA MIA e buono!

Photos are of lunch and the orchard.

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