Friday, July 1, 2011

Dail an Inbhire

I spent two weeks at Dail an Inbhire, small a farm in Scotland with with the kind and knowledgable veteran farmers, Rosie and Nigel. The farm is extremely remote. It is located in a fairly harsh environment, near the tip of a windswept peninsula on the Isle of Mull. In an environment like this good organization is key to maintaining a farm ecosystem. Nigel and Rosie manage the farm based on concepts drawn from the "Rural Stewardship Scheme, which has resulted in an increase of natural flora and fauna, suited to the specific mirco-niches they have worked to create around their farm. The croft (garden) was situated at the bottom of a small ravine, and hardy fruit trees such as rhubarb, were tucked away in just about every wind blocked nook on the property. 22 hectares of grazing land support a small flock of grazing sheep and poultry. Two windmills provide almost all electricity, and the garden, chickens and sheep provide a large proportion the food. At Dail an Inbhire, I spent a good deal of time in the garden, harvesting, weeding, transplanting, and alleviating an aphid breakout. I also spent a few days helping Nigel and Brendon (R & N's son) frame up a roof on a neighbor's house. Working here was a wonderful experience! Nigel and Rosie had so much to teach. I only wish I could have stayed longer!

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